A short photo essay on how I like my foot tracings and measurements to be taken:
I do like to have both feet traced and measured, but for the purposes of this essay I will only show one foot. Do not trace and measure your own feet. Have someone else take the measurements.
Have the person whose feet are to be measured stand squarely with both feet on the floor. A piece of paper is placed under the foot to be traced.
perpendicular line
he tracings are done in pen or pencil, not felt marker or any other bulky writing utensil. The pencil is first held perpendicular to the ground, and the foot is traced all the way around. This is especially important at the back of the heel, where it is easy to tilt the pencil, or "undercut".
#1 ball joint
The ball joint is measured with a measuring tape, and its placement is marked on the tracing paper.
#4 heel measurement
The heel meas-
urement is taken around the heel and instep:
6o-degree angle line
A secondary tracing line is marked on the inside around the foot, holding the pencil at a 60 degree angle. This line helps determine the arch of the foot.
#3 instep
The same is done for the instep; the instep is determined by locating the bone at the top of the foot, and measuring around the foot at that point. The #2 waist measurement is takeen halfway between the instep and ball joint.
the foot tracing ideal
The foot tracing, and co-
rresponding meas-
urements. Note the marking of the instep, ball joint, and big toe. Also, the secondary line for determining the arch. The straight lines mark the flat dimensions of the tracing, and are used to correct any warping during scanning (if tracings are emailed...skip this step if you are mailing tracings).